0 5 min 3 yrs

Breakup!, writing by Matt Asher, is one of my new favorite non-fiction books. Matt self-published the book as an e-book (via Substack) and an audio book. His conversational style and heavy usage of humor is a welcome respite from the mountains of stale non-fiction books.

By publishing on Substack, readers have the option of trying before buying. You can read three of the eight chapters for free, so really you have nothing to lose. Besides, you know if I like the book, you can be sure it is a safe bet. It is a quick read and has many insights for surviving the inevitable decay of The Empire.


This book is broken into several themes: current politics, lunacy of the left, rejection of the status quo, and an action plan. It based upon the assumption that America’s global hegemony is in decay and will eventually fail. In fact, Matt goes over several likely outcomes and estimates the likelihood of each. Wisely, there is no timeline given, only that you can rely on things getting worse.

To get a feel for what to expect, here is a quote from the introduction:

If you’re worried this book might be more of the same old complaining about media bias or recycling of stale recommendations (get out and vote!), here’s my promise to you: This book contains zero whining about unfairness. No hand-wringing. It’s filled with hard truths, original insights, and practical suggestions for how to understand this chaotic moment and make the best of it.


Typically I don’t enjoy non-fiction. I struggle reading about theories of government or philosophy. This book is the complete opposite. It is an easy and entertaining read with tons of references to internet media influencers like Michael Malice, Zero Hedge, Curtis Yarvin, and Jesse Kelly. Even Nancy Pelosi makes an appearance.

This book truly is different. To buy it, simply sign up to Matt Asher’s Substack. Once you read it, you’ll be hooked on his content that he frequently publishes. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and recommend it to anybody that wants to move on from the Covidians.


Since the book is so quotable, I listed some of my favorites below. They are a good sampling of the book’s content.

  • If it’s not clear to you who the useful idiots are, then you’re among them.
  • Alex Jones is now a more reliable source of information than the CDC.
  • Covid has become The Organizing Principle of their lives.
  • The NAP (non-aggression principle) isn’t a pledge to unilaterally disarm, and it’s most certainly not a suicide pact.
  • Even in modern-day, docile, soy-eating, courage-depleted America, not everyone is going to submit to the new state religion.
  • The grenade has landed in our trench. We need to throw it back, not argue about how no one should be throwing grenades.
  • Don’t discount the value of voting with your feet. That’s one freedom you still have.
  • Time to accept that it’s time to move on.

About Matt Asher

In addition to writing this exceptional book, Matt has an intriguing background and success story. He is the host of the recently launched TV series, the Mattasher Show. He is also the host of the Mattasher Radio Show on Keys Talk FM. The radio show is a continuation of The Filter podcast, and every episode of the radio show is released to the podcast feed as well. The Filter is about how we perceive the world, the lenses through which we view our reality. The radio show continues this theme, but also highlights the fringes of science and culture. Browse all episodes.

And, if that isn’t enough, he also has the following accomplishments:

  • A statistical consultant
  • Developer of for EveryBit Inc
  • Chief Architect for, a company bringing tradable securities to the Ethereum blockchain
  • An investor, statistical consultant, and editor of the website

Matt’s areas of interest include:

  • Decentralized identity and publishing
  • Monte Carlo simulations
  • The philosophical foundations of probability theory and meanings of randomness
  • Links between morality, complexity, information theory, and probability
  • Experimental fiction and non-fiction
  • Arbitrage opportunities in evolving markets
  • Domain name investing

To contact him:

Twitter: @mattasher
LinkedIn: My profile

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